From 2008 to 2012, more than 34,000 people in Arizona went to emergency rooms as the result of dog bites. For the most part, many of these could have been avoided.
Approximately 4.5 million people a year across the nation are victims of dog bites. More than 300,000 people are admitted to hospitals every year for treatment of dog bite wounds.
The Final Ruling on Mickey the Pit Bull Phoenix Municipal Court Judge Deborah Griffith has ruled that Mickey, the pit bull that mauled 4-year-old Kevin Vicente earlier this year, will spend the rest of its life in a no-kill animal shelter that was opened in 2000 by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The Fourth Dog Attack in Mesa in Recent Months Officials are reporting that a Mesa woman in her 40’s suffered injuries after being attacked by her own two dogs.
Two women were injured when they attempted to break up a dog fight at a west Phoenix home. The dogs’ owner was bitten on her hand.
Arizona is not a one free bite state Approximately 4.5 million people are victims of dog bites every year in the United States.
Dog walker charged for child endangerment when dog bites child. In Arizona, a dog bite can have major legal ramifications. When a dog bites a human, Arizona law immediately rules the owner or handler of the dog – both in civil law and criminal law - is legally responsible for injury, damage, and/or loss regardless of whether the person was negligent or reckless.