According to the Centers for Medicare Services, on January 31, the clinic that performed the medical procedure that cost Joan Rivers her life will be losing its accreditation.
A wrongful death lawsuit can be brought against someone who has caused another person’s death either through negligence or through intentional harm.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), each year car accidents kill more than 35,000 people in the nation.
In wrongful death lawsuits, two things come into play: comparative and contributory negligence. These dictate how the responsibility for the accident will be assigned to the parties involved.
The lawsuit filing outlines what the family believes to have happened - that Rebecca was hit on the head with a blunt object multiple times and then bound with tape, hands behind her back, by the defendants.
<h2> Who can bring the wrongful death claim? </h2> <p> Often the deceased person's surviving relatives, dependents or beneficiaries bring the wrongful death suit against the responsible party or parties, seeking monetary damages for their loss.
Personal Injury is a situation in which someone has been physically or emotionally injured or, in some cases, killed by the wrongful act of another person.
Truck accidents often caused by negligence Despite the fact that trucks can weigh up 80,000 pounds have trailers up to 53 feet long, with some combination trailers reaching up to 65 feet long, they are often operated and managed negligently.
Arizona has passed legislation that specifically addresses wrongful death claims A wrongful death results when either an intentional or unintentional act causes an injury that results in death.